Friday 25 March 2011

***SHOCKFACE NASH*** the EXHIBITION side of things

I CAN'T BELIEVE that we got all of that up on the wall within a couple of hours.... What a face lift for the recently baron walls of the Nash!!! Hopefully this will spur some others on to create some more flava in the front bar. I know there is a whole bunch of creative people hangin' there week in week out.... do something!!!! But anyway, that was the exhibition part of the SHOCKFACE event at the National Hotel. What was to come after doors to the band room opened is a whole other story and deserves a separate post!
Thanks to all the Nash crew for all their help and support during the entire duration of SHOCKFACE. If it wasn't for that place there would have been a big lull in our program. AND much of the momentum that we have gained up to date began there on this night. So, hats off to the National Hotel!

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